Ziegra Advantages for Hides and Skins

Why ice hides and skins?
Hides packed in macro flake ice  

The main advantages of using ice are:

  • Hides can be quickly chilled by ice as they come from the kill floor.
  • No pollution.
  • No contamination of by-products.
  • Suitable for all hides and skins.
  • No hair-loosening. Chilling is therefore suitable for woolskins and hides which will subsequently be cured or tanned with the wool or hair on.
Ice with the right properties
  • Macro chip ice - A large, smooth particle size that has excellent storage characteristics and a slow melt rate.
  • Its temperature of -0.5 °C ensures that it will never freeze together into lumps, no matter how long the storage time before use.
  Macro flake ice
2.5 tonne ice machine in abattoir   Custom options for easy installation

Ziegra have wide range of industrial ice machines, options and ancillary equipment for you to choose from to make the installation as easy as possible

  • Ice machines 10,000kg / 24 hours +
  • Flexible ice discharge options
  • Packaged or remote condenser
  • Standard UK or tropical specification
  • Level control and filtration included
Easy and fast application   icing hides

Chip ice always remains loose and friable, so is easy to spread across the hide for full and even coverage. This helps to reduce manual labour and increase product quality.



packed hides for loading  
Product quality and consistency

After the icing and cooling phase, the hides are ready for delivery to the customer in the best possible condition.







Ziegra Ice Machines (UK) Ltd

Tel: 0844 8808055

Ziegra Ice Machines (UK) Ltd
Unit 2, Phoenix Court, Hammond Avenue, Stockport, Cheshire, SK4 1PQ
Tel:0844 8808055   Fax: 0161 480 7927   Email: ice@ziegra.co.uk

Specialists in...
Ice Production, Storage, Handling
and Dosing Systems